Absorption Minibars, best choice for a hotel over compressor mechanical minifridges.

Absorption Minibars, best choice for a hotel over compressor mechanical minifridges.

A guestroom refrigerator is also named small room refrigerator, semiconductor room refrigerator, absorption room refrigerator, mini refrigerator, hotel fridge, mini refrigerator. A hotel room refrigerator is a small refrigerator dedicated in a hotel room for refrigerating fruits, beverages, drinks and other foods, and can also be used for refrigerating cosmetics. There are three main hotel room refrigerator cooling methods: compressor, semiconductor electronic refrigeration and absorption refrigeration.

Hotel rooms generally abandon the compressor type small refrigerator and semiconductor type small refrigerator, and choose the mainstream absorption type mini refrigerator. The reason is Absorption refrigerators are completely silent and composed of diffusion absorption refrigeration movement, cabinet and related accessories, the core part is the refrigeration movement, and the movement is a closed system made by a number of steel pipes by bending and combination welding. A certain percentage of ammonia, helium, and water are poured into the system. The refrigerant is ammonia, water is the absorbent, and helium is the diffusion agent. The movement directly uses the heat as the source to drive the refrigerant circulating, to achieve cooling purposes; the system uses the principle of thermal siphon to make the cooling system continuously work without any mechanical transmission.

Absorption refrigerator is an environmentally friendly high-tech product, because it not using Freon, protecting the ozone layer, without compressor and any mechanical transmission parts, not produce any noise when running, so an absorption minibar is reputed as double green environmentally friendly product by the international environmental organizations. Absorption refrigerators are used by plenty of hotels because of advanced technology and high technology content.  

 An absorption mini-bar refrigerator uses a single heating element to power the cooling system which makes it highly reliable and energy efficient. It uses three operating fluids as the component: Ammonia – water – hydrogen. It can be operated in the absence of any electronic or mechanical energy, completely silent, environmentally friendly, the system is maintenance-free, and an extended service life over compressor or thermoelectric fridges and are perfectly suitable for hotels, villas, and resorts. 

Absorption refrigerators do not cool like a compressor, so there is no inrush current when the motor starts, which will have no impact on the local power grid. While the ordinary compressor refrigerator starts about 30 to 40 times every day, starting current reaches 5 amps each time, which is 40 to 50 times of normal operation. What’s worse, the instantaneous current of the common compressor refrigerator when starting will greatly affect other appliances running on the same line. Absorption refrigerator uses heat to drive the refrigerant circulating within a closed system, which has no mechanical operation and wear parts, refrigerant leak probability is very low. Therefore, absorption refrigerators are easy maintenance, and have long service life, which is not comparable by a compressor mechanical driven mini fridge.

Last but not least, the best feature of an Absorption minibar/fridge is TOTAL SILENCE. Compressor driven minibars get significantly louder within 1-3 years of use do to wear and tear on the piston and rubber bushings.  They also require maintenance as the compressor attracts dust and dirt which also compromise its reliability. Not to say compressor driven minibars don’t have their place, but with all the advantages of an absorption minibar, it is always the best fit, especially in the hospitality industry.

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